Invitation | Hetereotopias

Group Exhibition

  La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform that the exhibition “Heteropias” will be opening on July 16th 2016 in Museo de Arte Contemporánero de Alicante. The exhibition includes an artwork by Chema Alvargonzález. Desde La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, nos complace informarles que la muestra “Heteropias” se inaugurará el 16 … Read More

Invitation | LOOP 2016


Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that Chema’s video-installation “Caleidoscopio Alma Flotante” (Floating Soul Kaleidoscope), owned by Colección olorVISUAL will be exhibited at Fundación Vila Casas in Espai Volart. This will be shown as part of LOOP Barcelona videoart festival from 26th. May to 10th. of June 2016.La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález se complace en informarles que la … Read More

Invitation | Una mirada en abierto

Group Exhibition

La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform you that one of Chema’s works will be exposed as part of the “Una mirada en abierto” Colección Fundación Coca-Cola exhibition, in La Conservera Center of Contemporary Art in Ceutí, Murcia. This exhibition will start today 22th of April and will be open until the 17th of July 2016. … Read More

Invitation | Linhas de Diálogo

Group Exhibition

La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform you that some of Chema’s work will be exposed as part of the Linhas de Dialogo exhibition in the Espaço Novo Bank in Lisbon. This takes place from 4th of April until Friday 30th of September and it is curated by Lorena Martinez de Corral. … Read More