Invitation | Tránsito

Solo Exhibition

Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález is honoured to invite you to the opening of Tránsito Exhibition organized by Ayuntamiento de A Coruña that will take place in the Palexco Exhibition Center, next Thursday 13th of November. Curated by Susana González and Nicolás Combarro, this exhibition investigates Chema Alvargonzález’s works around his idea of life as a journey related … Read More

Invitation | Mehr Licht

Solo Exhibition

La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform that the exhibition “Mehr Licht”  will be opening on November 15th 2011 at Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona (Spain). The event is curated by Ariadna Mas an it is the first retrospective of the artist Chema Alvargonzález. Desde La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, nos complace … Read More

Invitation | Can Mora de Dalt

Solo Exhibition

We re pleased to inform that the exhibition “Chema Alvargonzález”  will be opening on July 25th 2009 at Can Mora de Dalt (Spain). Nos complace informarles sobre la inauguración de la muestra “Chema Alvargonzález” el 25 de Julio de 2009 en Can Mora de Dalt.

Invitation | Ahora

Solo Exhibition

The Galería Juan Silió invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Ahora” on the 7th of November 2008. La Galería Juan Silió invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Ahora” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 7 de Noviembre de 2008.

Invitation | Qué bola…

Solo Exhibition

The Galería Oliva Arauna invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Qué Bola…” on the 26th of October 2006. La Galería Oliva Arauna invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Qué Bola…” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 26 de Octubre de 2006.

Invitation | Espacios Imaginados


The Site Specific exhibition “El viaje invisible” will be runing from the  06/02/2006 to 21/02/2006 in El Corte Ingles: Centro Comercial Castellana, Madrid (Spain). The event is organised by  ARCO 2006 in collaboration with Ayuntamiento de Madrid and Comunidad de Madrid. It is also curated by Alfonso de la Torre.

Invitation | Casas de luz

Solo Exhibition

Caja San Fernando invites you to the opening of “Casas de luz” Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition on October 21th of 2005. Caja San Fernando invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Casas de luz” del artista Chema Alvargonzález 21 de Octubre de 2005.

Invitation | Sobre la navegación

Solo Exhibition

Galeria Fernado Sillió invites you to the opening of “Sobre la navegación” by artist Chema Alvargonzález on August 6th of 2005. The exhibition will be runing until the September 3rd in Santander (Spain). Desde la Galeria Fernado Sillió les complace invitarles a la inauguración de la exposición “Sobre la navegación” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 6 … Read More

Invitation | Nit Niu’04

Group Exhibition, Site-specific

We are pleased to inform that the opening of the Site Specific exhibition in Cala Sant Vicenç in Pollença, Mallorca (Spain). The event is organised by Nit Niu’04. The exhibition inclues “Visible” and “Invisible” by artist Chema Alvargonzález. Nos complace informarles de la apertura de la muestra en la Cala Sant Vicenç in Pollença, Mallorca. El … Read More