Catalogue: Fatamorgana
19th February 2024
Welcome 2024 · Bienvenido 2024
2nd January 2024
Berlin Guest Prize 2024
16th October 2023
Publishing presentation and Colloquium · Entre puntos de luz
26th September 2023
Vernissage · Rare Earths / Tierras Raras
27th June 2023
Vernissage · Generació rompuda
1st March 2023
Welcome 2023 · Bienvenido 2023
23rd December 2022
Berlin Guest Prize 2023
19th October 2022
Activities around the exhibition Entre puntos de luz · Cimarrón
4th August 2022
Entre puntos de luz: trazando una constelación at GlogauAIR
27th June 2022
Entre puntos de luz: trazando una constelación
22nd March 2022
Happy new 2022
27th December 2021
In the Melting Pot by Emily Thomas
30th November 2021
Berlin Guest Resident Prize 2022
26th October 2021
The intentionality that seeks…
13th September 2021
Happy new 2021
22nd December 2020
Fóra de foco | AFundacion Abanca
12th September 2020Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that the AFundacion ABANCA organizes the exhibition “Fóra de foco. Artistas foráneos na Colección Afundación”. The exhibition will take place until September 19th 2020 at Sede Afundación A Coruña. The exhibition, with a selection of 34 works by non-Galician artists, such as Soledad Sevilla, Susy Gómez, … Read More

Current situation | COVID-19
19th March 2020Due to the current coronavirus crisis, La Memoria and GlogauAIR will remain closed to the public until further notice, meaning that all that all public events are on hold. However, both La Memoria and GlogauAIR continue to work telematically and so do the resident artists in GlogauAIR. We follow the path started by Chema Alvargonzalez who … Read More

Happy new 2020
29th December 2019
Narradores de Historias | Coca-Cola Foundation
25th November 2019Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that the Coca-Cola Foundation and Diputación de Jaén have organised the “Narradores de Historias” exhibition that will be taking place from the 27th of November 2019 until the 2nd of February 2020 at the Palacio de Villadompardo in Jaén (Spain). The exhibition is curated by Lorena … Read More

X Anniversary
18th October 2019Today 18th of October 2019 is the X Anniversary of his departure. We commemorate his absence yet celebrate that his legacy is still alive. La Memoria invites you to the Round Table Discussion and the ignition of his Corporeal word sculpture TRANSFORMACIÓ on the 24th of October at Escola Massana. Hoy día 18 de octubre … Read More

La luz en la palabra transforma | X Anniversary
4th October 2019La Memoria alongside Escola Massana have organised a number of activities to mark the 10th anniversary of Chema Alvargonzalez’s departure. There will be a number of events held around Chema’s installation TRANSFORMACIÓ that will be installed at the façade of the art and design centre. Agenda Friday the 18th of October 2019 *

Facebook Welcome
26th August 2019Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you of its start in social networks with the new Facebook page of La Memoria. From this platform we will continue with our task of promoting the artistic legacy of Chema Alvargonzalez. La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez se complace de informales su salto a las redes … Read More

Invitation | ¡Volar! 100 años en el cielo
13th June 2019Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to inform you that the “¡Volar! 100 años en el cielo” exhibition will be taking place from the 22st of June 2019 until the 1st of September 2019 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid (Spain). The event is organized by the Fundación ENAIRE in collaboration with Círculo … Read More

Book Presentation | Atraparte: dudas y vivencias en el arte contemporáneo
10th April 2019Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to invite you to the presentation of the book “Atraparte: Dudas y vivencias en el arte contemporáneo”. The event will will take place on the 24th of April of 2019 at 19h at La Central in Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid (Spain). The book, written by Eulogio Sánchez Saiz and María Jesús Martínez Silvente, explores the presence of contemporary art in our lives and how it affects us … Read More

Invitation | Construyendo Historias
5th February 2019Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to inform you that the “Constuyendo Historias” exhibition will be taking place from the 5th of February 2019 running until the 28th of April 2019 at the Sala La Lonja del Pescado in Alicante (Spain).This show will explore art within the Fundación Coca-Cola Collection and it will include one … Read More

Invitation | Imágenes que piensan
15th January 2019
Invitation | Pantalles i Pastilles
10th January 2019
Happy new 2019
20th December 2018
Invitation | Alegorías de lo Cotidiano
19th October 2018Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to inform you that the “Alegorías de lo Cotidiano” exhibition will be taking place from the 16th of October 2018 running until the 13th of January 2019 at the Sala de Exposiciones Sabadell Herrero in Oviedo (Spain).This show will explore photographywithin the Banc Sabadell Collection and it will include … Read More

Invitation | Descubriendo un diálogo en el tiempo
21st September 2018Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to inform you that the Lázaro Galdiano Museum presents the “Descubriendo un diálogo en el tiempo” exhibition. It will be showing, for the first time in Madrid, the works of the Coca-Cola Foundation’s contemporary art collection. The show will take place from the 27th of Septemeber, 2018 and runs … Read More

Invitation | Escenas: acción y representación
16th August 2018Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from July 26th to September the 9th, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Scenes: action and representation” at Pabellón de Mixtos de Ciudadela, Pamplona. The exhibition presents a selection of works from Los Bragales Collection that review three key notions in art history: scene, action and representation. In this context are included some … Read More

Invitation | Llindars de Memòria
8th May 2018Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from May 11th to June the 23rd, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Llindars de memòria” at the Cànem Gallery in Castelló. The exhibition presents a selection of inner landscapes that show the impact of the landscape in our individual and collective memory. In this context is included the works “Desde el tren 11” … Read More

Invitation | Fotografías Circa XX Pilar Citoler. Naturalezas y Arquitecturas
20th April 2018Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from April 20th to June, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Fotografías Circa XX Pilar Citoler. Naturalezas y Arquitecturas” at the Museo Barjola. Gijón. The exhibition presents a selection of photographic works. In this context is included the work by Chema Alvargonzález “Berlin 004” (2006).

Invitation | La necesidad de lo infinito
12th March 2018Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from March 13th to May the 23rd, 2018 takes place the exhibition “La necesidad de lo infinito” | olorVISUAL Collection at the CICUS. Centro de Iniciativas Culturales. Universidad de Sevilla. The exhibition presents a selection of monochrome works. In this context is included the work by Chema Alvargonzález “Presencia” (2008).

Invitation | Elèctric i llunyà | Colección olorVISUAL
25th January 2018Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from January 25th to May the 6th, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Elèctric i llunyà | olorVISUAL Collection at the Centre d’Art Tecla Sala de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat. The exhibition presents a selection of photographs by contemporary artists, articulated from themes and esthetics: industrial sites; natural, constructed … Read More

Invitation | Pongamos que hablo de Madrid
24th November 2017Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from November 24th to February 18th, 2018 is taking place the exhibition “Pongamos que hablo de Madrid” at the Instituto Cultural Cabañas, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The exhibition presents a selection of of works from the collection of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Madrid, which … Read More

Invitation | Un Somni de Ciutat
5th September 2017Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to inform you that on September the 10th the exhibition “Un Somni de Ciutat” will be opening to conmemorate the 300 years of the construction of the Castellón de la Plana Townhall Building. The event will take place in the San Miguel Hall of the building. This show represents … Read More

Invitation | Visions de Berlin: Plensa, Miralda, Bernardó i Alvargonzalez
22nd May 2017Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from May the 23rd to the 27th the group show “Visions de Berlin: Plensa, Miralda, Bernardó i Alvargonzalez” will take place in LAB 36 the new space of Galería Senda. This show is part of the activities surrounding LOOP Barcelona videoart festival 2017. La Memoria Artística … Read More

Invitation | Discursos Premeditats
15th February 2017Memoria Artistica de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform you that starting on February 17th Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana, will open the exhibition “Discursos Premeditats”, curated by Rosa Mª. Castells (Conservator at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante – MACA) taking place at Centre del Carme. The event presents a selection of works from Colección Fundación Caja Mediterráneo, … Read More

Invitation | Anticipándonos al Futuro
14th February 2017La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform that the exhibition “Anticipating the Future” Contemporary Art Collection of the Coca-Cola Foundation will be opening on February 16th at Palacio Episcopal de Málaga. The event is curated by Lorena Martínez de Corral bringing together a large number of artists from different disciplines belonging to … Read More

Invitation | Hetereotopias
8th July 2016La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform that the exhibition “Heteropias” will be opening on July 16th 2016 in Museo de Arte Contemporánero de Alicante. The exhibition includes an artwork by Chema Alvargonzález. Desde La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, nos complace informarles que la muestra “Heteropias” se inaugurará el 16 … Read More

Invitation | LOOP 2016
26th May 2016Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that Chema’s video-installation “Caleidoscopio Alma Flotante” (Floating Soul Kaleidoscope), owned by Colección olorVISUAL will be exhibited at Fundación Vila Casas in Espai Volart. This will be shown as part of LOOP Barcelona videoart festival from 26th. May to 10th. of June 2016.La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález se complace en informarles que la … Read More

Invitation | Una mirada en abierto
22nd April 2016La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform you that one of Chema’s works will be exposed as part of the “Una mirada en abierto” Colección Fundación Coca-Cola exhibition, in La Conservera Center of Contemporary Art in Ceutí, Murcia. This exhibition will start today 22th of April and will be open until the 17th of July 2016. … Read More

Invitation | Linhas de Diálogo
4th April 2016La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform you that some of Chema’s work will be exposed as part of the Linhas de Dialogo exhibition in the Espaço Novo Bank in Lisbon. This takes place from 4th of April until Friday 30th of September and it is curated by Lorena Martinez de Corral. … Read More

Invitation | Present Continu: Quaranta Anys de la Galería Cànem a Castelló
2nd April 2016La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to announce the QUARANTA ANYS GALLERY CÀNEM A CASTELLÓ exhibition in Castellón (Spain). The opening will take place on Thursday the 2nd of April at 12:00 hrs in the San Miguel exhibition room. This exhibition is organised by the Cànem Gallery, Generalitat Valenciana, Museums Consortium Valencia, Castellón … Read More

Invitation | Tránsito
13th November 2014Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález is honoured to invite you to the opening of Tránsito Exhibition organized by Ayuntamiento de A Coruña that will take place in the Palexco Exhibition Center, next Thursday 13th of November. Curated by Susana González and Nicolás Combarro, this exhibition investigates Chema Alvargonzález’s works around his idea of life as a journey related … Read More

Invitation | Mehr Licht
15th November 2011La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, is pleased to inform that the exhibition “Mehr Licht” will be opening on November 15th 2011 at Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona (Spain). The event is curated by Ariadna Mas an it is the first retrospective of the artist Chema Alvargonzález. Desde La Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzález, nos complace … Read More

Invitation | Can Mora de Dalt
25th July 2009We re pleased to inform that the exhibition “Chema Alvargonzález” will be opening on July 25th 2009 at Can Mora de Dalt (Spain). Nos complace informarles sobre la inauguración de la muestra “Chema Alvargonzález” el 25 de Julio de 2009 en Can Mora de Dalt.

Invitation | Ahora
7th November 2008The Galería Juan Silió invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Ahora” on the 7th of November 2008. La Galería Juan Silió invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Ahora” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 7 de Noviembre de 2008.

Invitation | Qué bola…
24th August 2006The Galería Oliva Arauna invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Qué Bola…” on the 26th of October 2006. La Galería Oliva Arauna invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Qué Bola…” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 26 de Octubre de 2006.

Invitation | Espacios Imaginados
6th February 2006The Site Specific exhibition “El viaje invisible” will be runing from the 06/02/2006 to 21/02/2006 in El Corte Ingles: Centro Comercial Castellana, Madrid (Spain). The event is organised by ARCO 2006 in collaboration with Ayuntamiento de Madrid and Comunidad de Madrid. It is also curated by Alfonso de la Torre.

Invitation | Casas de luz
21st October 2005Caja San Fernando invites you to the opening of “Casas de luz” Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition on October 21th of 2005. Caja San Fernando invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Casas de luz” del artista Chema Alvargonzález 21 de Octubre de 2005.

Invitation | Sobre la navegación
6th August 2005Galeria Fernado Sillió invites you to the opening of “Sobre la navegación” by artist Chema Alvargonzález on August 6th of 2005. The exhibition will be runing until the September 3rd in Santander (Spain). Desde la Galeria Fernado Sillió les complace invitarles a la inauguración de la exposición “Sobre la navegación” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 6 … Read More

Invitation | Nit Niu’04
13th August 2004We are pleased to inform that the opening of the Site Specific exhibition in Cala Sant Vicenç in Pollença, Mallorca (Spain). The event is organised by Nit Niu’04. The exhibition inclues “Visible” and “Invisible” by artist Chema Alvargonzález. Nos complace informarles de la apertura de la muestra en la Cala Sant Vicenç in Pollença, Mallorca. El … Read More

Invitation | 4 X 4
23rd June 2004We are pleased to inform that the opening of the “4 x 4” exhibition in Villa Strozzi and Villa Vogel, Florence (Italy) will take place on June 26th of 2004. The exhibition inclues “(Im)Possible” by artist Chema Alvargonzález and other site-specific installations by Vittorio Corsini, Filippo Frosini, Timet / Stefano Passerotti. Nos complace informarles de la … Read More

Invitation | Almatinos
27th January 2004We are pleased to inform that the opening of the “Almatinos” exhibition in Sala Metrónom, Barcelona (Spain) will take place on January 27th of 2004. Nos complace informarles de la apertura de la muestra “Almatinos” en la Sala Metrónom, Barcelona el día 27 de Enero de 2004.

Invitation | De lo visible y lo invisible
16th January 2004La Galería Bacelos invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “De lo visible y lo Invisible” on 16th of January 2004. La Galería Bacelos invita a la inauguración de la muestra “De lo Visible y lo Invisible” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 16 de Enero de 2004.

Invitation | Crosslinks + Passages in Between
27th October 2003
Invitation | Palabras en Blanco
5th July 2003Galeria Juan Silió invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Palabras en Blanco” on the 5th of July 2003. La Galería Juan Silió invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Palabras en Blanco” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 5 de Julio de 2003.

Invitation | Palabra corpórea
5th June 2003CAC Málaga, Contemporary Art Center of Málaga, presents Palabra Corpórea, a journey through the existence of the current urban man proposed by artist Chema Alvargonzález. The installation open to the public from 5th of June to 13th of July in the central space of the CAC Málaga. El CAC Málaga, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de … Read More

Invitation | Quadern de Bitàcola
3rd May 2003We are pleased to inform that the opening of the “Quadern de Bitàcola” exhibition in Tinglado 2, Tarragona (Spain) will take place on May 30th of 2003 until July 31st 2003 curated by Chantal Grande. Nos complace informarles de la apertura de la muestra “Quadern de Bitàcola” en Tinglado 2, Tarragona el día 30 de Mayo … Read More

Invitation | www.puntosdeluz.net
19th May 2002We are pleased to inform that the opening of the “Puntos de Luz” exhibition in CaixaForum, Barcelona (Spain) will take place on November 5th of 2002 runing until March 3rd of 2003. The exhibition is curated by Nimfa Bisbe. Nos complace informarles de la apertura de la muestra “Puntos de Luz” en la CaixaForum, Barcelona el … Read More

Invitation | Mehr Licht
8th November 2001
Invitation | Sa Plaça
1st September 2001We are pleased to inform you that the “Sa Plaça” solo exhibition will be taking place from the 1st of September of 2001 until the 1st of October at the Casal Solleric in Palma de Mallorca (Spain). Nos complace informarles de la inauguración de la exposición “Sa Plaça”que tendrá lugar desde el 1 de setiembre … Read More

Invitation | Sueño de una ciudad
24th August 2001The Galería Fernando Silió invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Sueño de una Ciudad” on the 24th of August 2001. La Galería Fernando Silió invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Sueño de una Ciudad” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 24 de Agosto de 2001.

Invitation | Reflejos de Ciudad
25th February 2001Inivitation to the opening of the exhibition “Reflejos de Ciudad” in Galeria Maior, Pollença (Spain) the 25th of February 2001.

Invitation | Un Sueño de ciudad
20th December 2000The Galería Cànem invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález solo exhibition “Un sueño de Ciudad” on the 20th of December 2000. La Galería Cànem os invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Un sueño de Ciudad” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 24 de Agosto de 2001.

Invitation | Overlapping the skin
24th April 1999Wigmore Fine Art invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Overlapping the skin” on the 22th of April 1999. Wigmore Fine Art os invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Overlapping the skin” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 22 de Abril de 1999.

Invitation | Vivo en las nubes
5th November 1998La Galería Carles Taché les invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Vivo en las Nubes” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el jueves 5 de Noviembre de 1998. The Galería Carles Taché invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Vivo en las Nubes” on Thursday 5th of November, 1998.

Invitation | Site Santa Fe
14th July 1995Available (1995), a new work from Chema Alvargonzález is exhibited for “Longing and Belonging: From the Faraway Nearby” in Santa Fe, Nuevo México. Available (1995), un nuevo trabajo de Chema Alvargonzález es expuesto para “Longing and belongin: From the Faraway Nearby” en Santa Fe, Nuevo México.

Invitation | Descifra tu tiempo
4th April 1995The Galería Oliva Arauna invites you to the opening of Chema Alvargonzález Solo Exhibition “Descifra tu tiempo” on the 4th of April 1995. La Galería Oliva Arauna invita a la inauguración de la muestra “Descifra tu tiempo” del artista Chema Alvargonzález el 4 de Abril de 1995.

Invitation | Temps de pas
20th December 1994Invitation to the opening of the exhibition “Temps de pas”, a Site-Specific by artist Chema Alvargonzález, the 20th of December of 1994. The event is organized by Galeria Carlos Tachè in the city of Barcelona. Invitación a la inauguración de la exposición “Temps de pas”, una instalación del artista Chema Alvargonzález, el 20 de diciembre … Read More

Invitation | 39TH Salon de Montrouge
27th April 1994
Invitation | Ausschuß
26th June 1993Invitation to the exhibition FONTANELLE – Kunst in (x) Zwischenfällen in Postdam with the participation of the artist Chema Alvargonzález.

Invitation | Abwesenheit
29th May 1992ABWESENHEITSchilieBe die Augen und beobachte alles, das su in diesem Moment sehen kannst. Dies ist deine Fähigkeit, die Welt der Imagination zu benutzen.Tausende von Linie, Punkte und abstrakte Formen in verschiedenen Farben befinden sich in der Sekunde, bevor du die Augen wieder öffnest, in deiner Vorstellung. Und wenn du die Augen aufschlägst, siehst du die … Read More

Invitation | Transformadors
4th November 1987Invitation to the opening of the exhibition “Pintures i muntatge Chema Alvargonzález” with the artwork “Sense Imatge” by artist Chema Alvargonzález, the 4th of November of 1987. The event is organized by Escola Massana in the Sala Transformadors, Barcelona in collaboration with Ajuntament de Barcelona. Invitación a la inauguración de la exposición “Pintures i muntatge … Read More

Invitation | El Televisor Posecleptico y Pinturas
17th August 1985Invitation to the opening of the exhibition “El Televisor Posecleptico y Pinturas” with the artwork by artist Chema Alvargonzález, the 17th of August of 1985. Invitación a la inauguración de la exposición “El Televisor Posecleptico y Pintura” con una instalación del artista Chema Alvargonzález, el 17 de agosto del 1985.