Group Exhibition
Es Baluard. Museu d'Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma, Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
From 02/02/2008 to 01/06/2008
Curated by Marie-Claire Uberquoi
The exhibition "Light Messages" presents in Es Baluard the work of the Spanish artists Chema Alvargonzalez (Jerez de la Frontera, 1960-Berlin, 2009), Daniel Canogar (Madrid, 1964) and Bernardí Roig (Palma, 1965). All of them, began their artistic career in the late 80s, and participated in the development of the plastic creation of the nineties with research in the field of photography and multimedia art. Through a set of thirteen works, sculptures and installations, the route refers us, from different viewpoints, to the human condition and the relationship of man with its environment, through technological resources, where light is the real protagonist.
The selection, made by Marie-Claire Uberquoi, reflects the concerns surrounding the loneliness, decay and existential distress of the human being of the Mallorcan artist Bernardí Roig. Also the man as the center of the work of Daniel Canogar, in this case from his reflection on the incidence of the hypertechnological world in our becoming. The relationship between man and the urban environment is the main topic on which Chema Alvargonzalez works, always from a complex research process where other disciplines such as anthropology or sociology intervene. The light that reflects his words created with luminous signs, accompanies him in his journey through different cities, including Palma, and become his instrument to make "visible" the places that interest him, which photographs and converts into boxes of light, Erasing the line that separates painting and photography.
Artists: Chema Alvargonzalez, Daniel Canogar and Bernadí Roig.