Group Exhibition
Sala San Miguel, Castelló (Spain)
From 10/09/2017 to 14/10/2017
Event organised by Colección Caja Castellón
The exhibition "Un Somni de Ciutat" is celebrated on the third centenary of the construction of the current Castellón de la Plana town hall. The exhibition, in the Sala San Miguel, represents a tour of the artistic patrimony of the Fundació Caixa Castelló. Presiding the exhibition highlights the work of Chema Alvargonzález "Sueño de Ciudad Castellón II".
Artists: Joaquín Oliet, Luis Prades Manolo Safont, Pepe Agost, Romualdo Gil, Wences Rambla, María Lidón Fabra, Joël Mestre, Vicent Carda, Rebeca Plana, Silvia Lerín, Manuel Sáez, Qu Quianmei, Gabriel Stoian, Moisés Mahiques, Paula Bonet, Pepe Nebot, Mariano Benlliure, Juan Bautista Folía, Josep Viciano, Joan Bautista Porcar, Carlos Armiño, Salvador Mesado and others.