Memoria Artística Chema Alvargonzález is pleased to inform you that the Lázaro Galdiano Museum presents the “Descubriendo un diálogo en el tiempo” exhibition. It will be showing, for the first time in Madrid, the works of the Coca-Cola Foundation’s contemporary art collection. The show will take place from the 27th of Septemeber, 2018 and runs … Read More
Invitation | Escenas: acción y representación
Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from July 26th to September the 9th, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Scenes: action and representation” at Pabellón de Mixtos de Ciudadela, Pamplona. The exhibition presents a selection of works from Los Bragales Collection that review three key notions in art history: scene, action and representation. In this context are included some … Read More
Invitation | Llindars de Memòria
Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from May 11th to June the 23rd, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Llindars de memòria” at the Cànem Gallery in Castelló. The exhibition presents a selection of inner landscapes that show the impact of the landscape in our individual and collective memory. In this context is included the works “Desde el tren 11” … Read More
Invitation | Fotografías Circa XX Pilar Citoler. Naturalezas y Arquitecturas
Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from April 20th to June, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Fotografías Circa XX Pilar Citoler. Naturalezas y Arquitecturas” at the Museo Barjola. Gijón. The exhibition presents a selection of photographic works. In this context is included the work by Chema Alvargonzález “Berlin 004” (2006).
Invitation | La necesidad de lo infinito
Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from March 13th to May the 23rd, 2018 takes place the exhibition “La necesidad de lo infinito” | olorVISUAL Collection at the CICUS. Centro de Iniciativas Culturales. Universidad de Sevilla. The exhibition presents a selection of monochrome works. In this context is included the work by Chema Alvargonzález “Presencia” (2008).
Invitation | Elèctric i llunyà | Colección olorVISUAL
Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from January 25th to May the 6th, 2018 takes place the exhibition “Elèctric i llunyà | olorVISUAL Collection at the Centre d’Art Tecla Sala de l’Hospitalet de Llobregat. The exhibition presents a selection of photographs by contemporary artists, articulated from themes and esthetics: industrial sites; natural, constructed … Read More
Invitation | Pongamos que hablo de Madrid
Memoria Artística de Chema Alvargonzalez is pleased to inform you that from November 24th to February 18th, 2018 is taking place the exhibition “Pongamos que hablo de Madrid” at the Instituto Cultural Cabañas, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The exhibition presents a selection of of works from the collection of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Madrid, which … Read More