Solo Exhibition
Tinglado 2, Tarragona (Spain)
From 30/05/2003 to 31/07/2003
Curated by Chantal Grande
At the beginning of 2003 we began to keep a logbook. In it appear the outlines which determine the pattern of ideas now stored in Tinglado (warehouse) no. 2 in the Port of Tarragona. The real, permanent image of maritime traffic which is to be seen outside this space has been brought inside and joined together with some people's inner voyages and the light which illuminates their words. While this exhibition was being prepared we contacted with different friends, asking them to take a word with a nautical meaning and use and invent a new dictionary entry expressing a personal voyage or worlds which are no less true for being invented. These new words can be seen together with images from my photographic archive. They are mixed up so as to generate a kind of cartography which is a map of the journey linking my inner self to the outside world around me. I enter into the idea of man as a ship, which travels along the different paths in a voyage the co-ordinates of which are set by the people around us and the space in which we move.
Chema Alvargonzález