The installation takes place on a facade of the Swiss embassy in Berlin. An emblematic building for its situation, since it is placed between the Reichstag and the Bundeskanzleramt.
The artpiece works two ways of communication very clear. The entire west wall will light up with a set of blue lenses, with a new type of lamps, the LEDs, which shine more as the spectator moves away, and which are associated with the words MEHR LICHT, (more light) illuminated in red and placed at the upper end of the Wall, which precisely for the country in which it is located, it is about last words attributed to Goethe before dying, and by its double meaning of call to the reflection and to the clarity in the broadest sense of the term, they acquire a new dimension clarifying.
On one side, the artist manages to give life, give sight, to a wall, which is a work of aesthetic and poetic surgery, as for the first time the west side of the embassy "sees" and is seen. And on the other hand, by the very situation of the building (next to the government headquarters and other important state agencies), the word Mehr light and the light itself, establishes a dialogue with the environment that invites political reflection, a new architectural reading or a personal repercussions of the present darkness of the facade is passed to enlightenment, both in the literal sense and in the poetic, which propose both the light and the word.
Victoria Bermejo, 2001