La luz en la palabra transforma

Solo Exhibition Escola Massana, Barcelona (Spain) From 18/10/2019 to 15/12/2019 Press Release: ES / CAT Event Event organised by:     Supported by:   Partner: La Memoria alongside Escola Massana have organised a number of activities to mark the 10th anniversary of Chema Alvargonzalez’s departure. These celebrations will be made to commemorate his absence yet … Read More

¡Volar! 100 años en el cielo

Group Exhibition Sala Goya, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (Spain) From 22/06/2019 to 01/09/2019 Curated by Ángel Sánchez Serrano Event organised by Fundación ENAIRE with the collaboration of PHE19   2019 marks the 100th year anniversary of commercial air transportation in Spain. This show presents historic photographs that span from the first flights —used to … Read More

Constuyendo Historias

Group Exhibition La Lonja del Pescado, Alicante (Spain) From 05/02/2019 to 28/04/2019 Curated by Lorena Martínez de Corral Event organised by Fundación Coca-Cola, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante (MACA) and Ayuntamiento de Alicante Event invitation Artists: Chema Alvargonzález, Isidro Blasco, Eva Lootz, José Manuel Ballester, Txomin Badiola, Equipo Crónica, Juan Navarro Baldeweg and more.  

Imágenes que piensan

Group Exhibition Centro Nacional de Fotografía “José Manuel Rotella”, Torrelavega (Spain) From 18/01/2019 to 03/03/2019 Collaboration with Centro Nacional de Fotografía “José Manuel Rotella” andl Ayuntamiento de Torrelavega Curated by Jesús Alberto Pérez Castaños Event organised by Colección Los Bragales Event Invitation Artists: Ignasi Aballí, Ana Laura Aláez, Chema Alvargonzález, José Manuel Ballester, Karmelo Bermejo, Mira … Read More

Pantallas y Pastillas

Group Exhibition ADN Platform, Sant Cugat del Vallés (Spain) From 19/01/2019 to 18/05/2019 Curated by Montse Badia Exhibition site Event invitation This group exhibition is a tribute to the dystopian novel FAHRENHEIT 451 (1953) by Ray Bradbury. As Montse Badia explains, the display was an essay in exhibition format. The distribution of artworks evoked a … Read More