Central Station, Milan (Italy)
From 29/10/2003 to 30/11/2003
Curated by Mimmo Di Marzio
In the Stazione Centrale di Milano the passerby sees the luminous signs: "Fuga, ricordo, percorso, uscita, mutare". The journey is one of Chema’s main interests and it takes a special meaning in the place chosen for the installation. The words installed, from a physical and imaginary point of view, are strongly connected to the journey.
The city of Milan has a great spirit of travel, of moving around. It is a great business centre, its inhabitants are connected to the whole world and it is a city of travellers. The work El viaje de las Palabras proposes a reflection around the infinite emotional possibilities of the journey through the space as a place of highest density, nostalgia, hope...
The idea of journey as a life experience that relates the private and the public, understanding this space in a global way, formed by the people who inhabit it. We can mainly find the idea of adventure rather than the nostalgia, just as the Greek idea of the journey: The Odyssey.
And the idea of change, of transformation insists on the concept of starting that entails everyday’s existence. A continuous journey without return?